Who Will Be on NOAA’s Ark?

I have been spending the last few blog posts describing the coming culling of America and the world. This is beyond TOP SECRET.

When God destroyed the world with a flood of water, a total of eight people (Noah, his wife, his three sons, and their respective wives) boarded Noah’s Ark. If the solar tsunami, predicted to come during our present solar maximum that climaxes in 2013, is the equivalent of the Biblical prophecy of fire and brimstone, then shouldn’t there be an ark?

America, like other countries, has a sense of humor. America’s National Oceanic and Atmospheric Administration has the acronym of NOAA. Let’s suppose, as dramatized in the motion picture “2012”, that NOAA has an ark. Let’s suppose that the modern day “ark” is a vessel that will either go into space or into the ocean or submerge into the subterranean earth to avoid the fire and brimstone on the surface. Who will be on that ark?

America has three branches of the federal government, 50 states, and a few territories. Starting with the Executive Branch: Let’s suppose this hypothetical NOAA’s ark will rescue the President, his family, the Vice President, his family, and a few Cabinet members and their families. Let’s suppose the ark will rescue former presidents and their families. Will former vice presidents be rescued? What about former Cabinet members?

Will Bo Obama, the family dog, be rescued? What about former presidents’ dogs? What about cats, goldfish, parakeets, and other pets?

Who will be executing these rescue orders? Presumably, the military, FEMA, and Homeland Security. Will high-ranking military and intelligence officers who be among those rescued? What about other bureaucrats? Will the rank and file, executing the orders of the military elite, be ordered (like drones) to save the family pets of the super-rich or powerful queen bees but not rescue their families? Or themselves?

Let’s move on to the Legislative Branch: There are 100 Senators, 435 voting members of the House of Representatives, 5 non-voting delegates from the territories (namely the District of Columbia, Guam, American Samoa, the U.S. Virgin Islands, and the Northern Mariana Islands), and 1 Resident Commissioner from Puerto Rico. Total: 541 members of Congress. Can they bring their families? What about staff members? Or their families?

Last, but not least, is the Judicial Branch: There are nine Justices to the U.S. Supreme Court, but approximately 1232 lower federal judges. May they bring their families? And what about staff members? Or magistrates? Keep in mind, the lower court judges are not located in Washington, DC. They are scattered across the country, in each state. Logistically, how quickly can they be rounded up and rescued?

The total number of “important” federal public servants exceeds 1800 people, not including spouses and minor children. Heaven help if the children are adults and no longer living with their parents. Who will search and rescue them?

Let’s move on to state government: There are 50 Governors who, like federal judges, are scattered across the country. Presumably, each state will also have lieutenant governors. Each state will have state senators and legislators. There may be hundreds of judges. (Michigan, alone, has over 600 state-court judges.) Most of these public servants will have spouses. Some will have children. Who will rescue all of these people?

America has 7.8 million households earning more than $1 million annually and 980,000 households that earn more than $5 million annually. There are 1,011 billionaires scattered throughout the world.

These are the “legal” billionaires. What about those in the criminal underworld? They have money, too. Can they buy a seat onto NOAA’s Ark and bring their illicit drugs, prostitutes, illegal weapons, and other vices? Will a drug kingpin have a suite next to the Pope? If so, then this ark will not be rescuing the righteous.

If the total number of troops in the U.S. military is around 2.4 million, and if the total number of police officers in America is only 800,000, then who will rescue all of these people? And that is America alone: Who will rescue the heads of state and the super rich throughout the rest of the world? This is assuming every member of the military and law enforcement forsakes their own lives and their own families, follows orders, and saves the “elites”. This is also assuming that the military and law enforcement will not be busy responding to other conflicts, crimes, or riots.

Are seats on NOAA’s Ark being double-booked? Are folks being promised that they’ll be rescued, perhaps even paying an “insurance policy” to be rescued, a claim that will be denied with no time or ability to appeal? What if the double-booking, “insurance policy” is a massive Ponzi scheme, where the ones being scammed are merely paying for the luxury accommodations of the real ones being rescued?

Bottom line is that, unlike Noah’s Ark in the Bible, a modern-day NOAA’s Ark will evacuate more than eight people, but probably far fewer than the thousands of federal and state public servants. Why is this important to people going through foreclosure? Because judges, both in state and federal court, seem to be biased in favor of their version of the Golden Rule. The judges’ version of the Golden Rule is “He who has the gold, rules”. However, these judges, both state and federal, are probably considered low on the totem pole for priority seating for NOAA’s Ark. Just like the low-ranking military and law enforcement officer that may be ordered to rescue the “elite”, the lower court judges may want to rethink their bias of ruling in favor of the elites, the same elites who will ultimately betray them and leave them behind, in the fire and brimstone, with the rest of us.

All those who will probably be left behind , excluded from NOAA’ Ark, would do well to help each other. Our mutual survival depends on cooperation. And if our mutual survival depends upon cooperation and justice AFTER a solar tsunami, then doesn’t our mutual survival depend on cooperation BEFORE a solar storm?

Culling America

At the risk of being labeled the prophetess of doom and gloom, I’d like to warn others about where America is heading.

I am not a Tea Party-er or criticizing President Barack Obama. An unseen hand of freemasons, Catholics, Illuminati, and etc. really run America and the rest of the world. Presidents, kings, queens, and prime ministers are often ceremonial figureheads, scapegoats, and/or puppets. Occasionally, a puppet master will put himself in the limelight, but usually the puppeteers operate in the shadows.

2010 has been rough, but these are the good old days compared to what is to come.

Even without a solar storm, America is on a path that is mathematically unsustainable, but no one wants to tell the ugly truth. We’re spoiled Americans. We can’t handle the truth! For the following points, I obtained statistics from on December 31, 2010:

1. As of 3:21 pm EST, America’s national debt is nearly $14 trillion. Broken down into terms the average person can more readily understand, America’s debt is nearly $45,000 per every man, woman, and child or nearly $126,000 per taxpayer.

2. As of 3:25 pm EST, America’s federal tax revenue is nearly $2 trillion. However, the better indicator of the country’s financial health is America’s gross domestic product, which is $14.666 trillion as of 3:29pm EST.

3. As of 3:30 pm EST, America’s debt to gross domestic product is at a ratio of nearly 95%. Let me break that down so that average people can understand: If you have $1000 coming in during a week (or a month), and spend 95% of it, then you have only 5% in reserve for an emergency, charity, research and development, to waste, etc.

4. According to www.usdebtclock.org, America’s biggest expenditures are on Medicare/Medicaid, Social Security, and Defense, each totaling near or in excess of $700 billion. Keep in mind that the magic number, $700 billion, is the price tag of the federal bailout to the banking industry. Imagine that the horrifically expensive number, $700 billion, is the health care cost of taking care of America’s elders, the disabled, and poor. This means, that in order to balance the federal budget, even if America pulled out of every conflict and pretended there was peace on earth, the government can’t really afford to give Grandma a heart monitor and have Medicare pay for it. It’s cheaper to let Grandma die, so that the government would not only save on health care costs, but Social Security, too. The longer she lives, the more America goes into debt, even if Grandma is healthy. God forbid she gets sick.

In case you think I’m being disrespectful of elders, I’ll insert at least one reference: The Congressional Budget Office has also declared, in April 2010, that America’s fiscal path is unsustainable. See

This is the scenario, even without a solar storm. Ironically, a solar storm, with a blackout of communications and the electrical power grid, could put America back on its feet, but only if there was a drastic reduction in the population. A definition of culling is to select, collect, or remove rejected members from a group. Could America’s budget woes be solved by culling the population? How many would need to die? More than 13%, the number of African-Americans. More than an additional 21%, the number of Hispanics and Latinos. If racial/ethnic minorities compose more than 1/3 of America’s population, then eliminating every one of them still wouldn’t be enough to balance America’s budget. One estimate is that the 90% of the population needs to be culled, which ultimately means that many white supremacists/eugenicists must also be culled.

This is the direction in which the world is heading. As America prepares to welcome 2011, please take the time to take care of yourself and your family. Invest in preparing for the emergency that is to come. Keep abreast of solar weather by referring to the website

Don’t be a fatality statistic. Be a survivor. For more information about how to increase your survivability, please download the free e-booklet, “Sun-Kissed”, by clicking the “Add to Cart” button below.

House Under Water: Both Financially and Physically.

Many people contact me about saving their home from foreclosure. For some people, it is kinder to tell them the truth: If their home is currently under water financially, and will soon be under water physically, then you don’t want to be in the house when it’s time to swim, unless you are a fish.

For example, a lady contacted me from south Florida about using a land patent to fight her foreclosure. For example, let’s say that, about six or seven years ago, her house was worth $150,000, so she borrowed $135,000. Let’s say that now her house is worth $85,000 and projected to lose more value in the near future. When a person owes more for a property than the property is worth, this means that the property is financially under water. Some people, whose income is stable and who have perfect credit, decide that it is better to walk away from one property and purchase another one because the “under-water” debt makes their mortgage or rent “too damn high”. Like the song goes in “The Gambler”, you’ve got to know when to walk away and know when to RUN!

Add to this problem that scientists are predicting particularly strong solar storms in 2012-2013.

This is what scientists ARE saying. What are they NOT saying?

* If a solar flare can knock out satellites and fry electrical grids, would a communications and electrical blackout be the BEGINNING of our problems? What if the radiation from the solar flares also melts the polar ice caps?

* If the polar ice caps melt, the oceans can flood worldwide. Coastal communities would be most at risk. Indeed, FEMA has already mapped how coastal flooding could overflow Manhattan so much that Wall Street would be under water.

A depiction of the 100-year flood zone in Lower Manhattan shows landmarks and infrastructure that could be frequently flooded in the future unless they are protected. (Graphic: Applied Science Associates Inc.; Sources: Google/Sanborn).

I therefore told the lady from Florida that her South Florida home was in a flood zone and could be under water physically, as well as financially, in the next couple of years. I advised her that, rather than devoting her precious resources to a court fight that will keep her in the South Florida home, she should spend 2011 relocating to a safer place, more inland from the ocean coasts.

If you are in a high rise or near a coast, please take the advice that I gave the woman from South Florida. At particular risk are places like:
* New York City (all five boroughs)
* New Orleans
* London and all the UK, Scotland, and Ireland
* Italian peninsula
* Florida peninsula
* Atlantic and Pacific coastal states
* Hawaii
* Australia
* Japan
* Philippines
* Pacific Islands
* Caribbean Islands

The purpose of this blog is to not promote panic, but to encourage emergency preparedness and early warning. Please heed the warning. During a fierce solar storm, if communications systems and electrical power are knocked out, there may not be any other warning given. Better to relocate now than evacuate later!

For more information, please download the free e-booklet, “Sun-Kissed”, by clicking the “Add to Cart” button below.
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Secrets “THEY” Don’t Want YOU to Know!

Please forgive me, folks. I’ve been preoccupied with helping a paying client save their property, so much so that I didn’t know my domain name “www.mylandpatent.com” had expired until it was too late to buy it back. Now a company in Israel owns that name. Ironic, because land patents are an American legal document, not Israeli.

Neither did I know that this domain, “justice4homeowners.com” wasn’t mapping to my Preventing Foreclosure blog. I corrected the problem today.

I’m letting go of some of my foreclosure prevention websites to focus on a bigger problem: The SECRET that banks and the government do not want you to know is that the sun’s cycle of solar storms is due to become unusually active in 2012 and 2013. What does that have to do with you? Everything!

Imagine if major solar flares knock out satellite communications so that there is no Internet, cell phones, TV, GPS navigation, etc. Even if that knock out only lasts hours or days, then imagine if the solar flares produce such a power surge that transformers are blown out. The result is a blackout that can last longer than hours or days. The blackout can last for months or years!

America is SO dependent on electricity:
* It runs our computers. How would we be able to perform financial transactions? How would Social Security, pay checks, welfare, and food stamps be direct deposited? Credit cards would become worthless. There could be runs on the banks to withdraw cash, but how would tellers know how much money to give each customer without electricity and communication systems? Without money, how could you go to retailers and buy emergency supplies? There could be riots, looting, panic, and mayhem!
* If people aren’t able to get paid, would first responders come to work? Right now, so many cities, like Detroit, are near bankrupt that first responders, such as police, fire, and EMS, are overwhelmed. What will happen during a natural disaster?
* Medical records are more computerized, meaning that pharmacists may not be able to fill prescriptions for chronic illnesses. Indeed, how would hospitals be able to treat patients after backup generators run out of fuel.
* It cleans and pumps our water and sewage. Imagine being unable to flush a toilet, take a shower, or have access to water from fire hydrants.
* It pumps the gasoline that fuels our cars, buses, airplanes, and subways. Having a bicycle will be very important! Would we go back to horse and buggy days? In fact, a power surge can blow up gas pipelines, causing fires and explosions that will be more difficult to extinguish when a blackout limits access to water.
* People living in high rises, particularly senior citizens and the disabled, could be stranded if they are unable to walk flights of stairs.
* All the electric toys that people purchased at “bargain” prices may soon be paperweights. How will we keep our kids entertained without a Wii, TV, or X-box?

If banks and Fortune 500 businesses know that a natural disaster, the cost of which would be 20 times more devastating that Hurricane Katrina, is coming to a power grid near you, would they hire a lot of people that they aren’t sure how they’ll be able to pay? Consequently, even though the Great Recession is “officially” over for Wall Street, unemployment is still sky high. A secret is that it is unlikely to go down much.

Ultimately, saving single family homes and small for-profit or non-profit businesses will save people’s lives, but when money becomes worthless, land becomes more valuable. Hence, there is the foreclosure crisis! The bank wants your land, not a modification of your mortgage. For more info, please watch the video below:

I’m not a solar scientist. I just have a law degree. I am giving you a legal perspective of the impact the solar storms can have upon your life. I decided to focus on how to save lives. I will be writing more about this over the coming days. However, to obtain a copy of the free e-booklet mentioned on the video, “Sun-Kissed”, please click button below.
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